FabFilter User Forum


i have tried to copy paste my registration details but it states it is invalid and to copy paste again. to no avail. my music computer is not on the internet so i cannot register that way.


Hi Adrian,

When you copy the license information from your email, make sure you include everything, from the -- Begin License -- mark to the -- End -- mark. If your music computer is not the computer that you read your email with, it's probably easiest to transfer the license key on a floppy or CD, or via a local network if you have one.

Please let us know if it still does not work!

that was it, got it sorted. included the beginning and end parts and have just had a play on the plugin. it has a musicality that other plugins don't have. sounds rich and fills the spectrum even on it's own.


I am having problems pasting in the key. I included the

-- Begin License --


-- End --

I paste in the license, close down Cubase SX, but when I load up again it gives me the same evaluation prompt.

Brad O'Brien

... sent you an e-mail! Hope the solution works. Let us know!


Floris (FabFilter)

activate some discounts on my acct plz ; (


ive been trying to get my account info


Hi Bobby,

I believe I also just responded to your email. If you need any help resetting your password please get back to our email, since we cannot provide your login details on this public forum.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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