FabFilter User Forum

Troubles with presets...

I've downloaded FabFilter Total bundle trial, installed, but can't use any preset of any instruments. there's only the same message: "The preset file could not be opened. It could be corrupt, from another FF plugin or it was written by an incompatible version of this plugin". ???


... very strange!

Are you on Windows or OS X? Which host are you using? Did you ever install earlier versions of any of the plug-ins?


Floris (FabFilter)

Windows XP SP2, Cubase SX 3, and I tried to run standalone app (twin & one), the result is the same. and I never installed them before


I'VE GOT IT!!! I've uninstalled it and installed again and everything is ok! twin & one Extra presets are working! And i'm listening to the great sounds!


... ok, good to hear that everythings working now!


Floris (FabFilter)

I'm downloaded FabFilter pro 1.10.
Not working.:
"The preset file could not be opened..."
Win Server 2003 sp2 Enterprise, Wavelab5, Nuendo3.
Please, help. :(

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