FabFilter User Forum

Ten Improvements to Fabfilter Twin

I've been using Fabfilter Twin for a few weeks now, and here are my thought on future improvements. Don't get me wrong, I love the software, and will keep using it without any of these changes:

Envelopes are scaled in a way that puts too much bias on slow times. At 12'o clock most other synthesizers seem to be in the .5-1 second range. Twin is over 3 seconds. I'm not sure if we need to dedicate a quarter of the turn towards the 13 to 21 second range.

I have found that a fifth Envelope parameter, Fade, as in LinPlug Alpha, gives you a lot more shapes with the addition of only one knob. I personally don't use the Delay parameter much, and could loose that in return, but others may disagree. Also, consider adding a brief preset period of full level post-Attack, pre-Decay, for that Moog snap.

LFOs, at least one of them, should have the option of being polyphonic. This would greatly increase the sense of depth on polyphonic filter and PWM sweeps.

A control source that produces a random value per key-press could be a lot of fun, and help add some more life. It would be a draggable button, in the same way as velocity or mod wheel.

I'd like to be able to route the Noise to one filter, not always both. This would be great for drums, as well as breathy sounds. Am I missing some way that this is possible?

The Detune knob could function as an "Analog" knob in poly mode. Ideally this would set up a number of "voice cards" (like on a vintage polysynth) equal to the number of Voices set, and cycle through them, with varying detune, filter cutoff, and envelope rates for each "card". No extra controls would be needed.

OSC 2 could benefit from negative octave offsets, not just positive. Often I want to add a sub octave with OSC 2.

The Saw and Tri waveforms in the oscillator could be affected by the pulse width control. It could simply narrow down the waves, or do some other PWM-like modulation. With only three waveforms, let's make the most of them.

For the opportunity for oscillator FM (to modulate the other oscillator, a filter, etc), the obvious way would be to just add a drag-button to each oscillator (probably pre-level/pan). For example, just drag this to a filter for filter FM. I understand that this could require large amounts of processing power.

The Presets, while I don't really use them, are too reliant on Unison. Twin sounds fantastic without it, and people running the demo can get the false impression that the software is very processor demanding.

(Not Twin related - I think this forum would be more active if it wasn't hidden on the Support pages. You could put in the top navigation bar.)


The idea of having a control source with random value per keypress is great and something I would love to see in Twin! I also agree with Mathias about the envelope scalings and negative octave offsets for osc 2.

Another thing that would be nice to have is the ability for the LFO's to go even slower. As it is now, it's not possible to achieve those nice slow sweeps using one of the LFO's.

It really is a nice synth and I would use it even more with the above-mentioned additions to its sonic arsenal :)

Fredrik Haglund

Thanks for all suggestions! You can use an LFO to create a 'random value per key press source'. Set the frequency to the lowest setting, set wave form to S&H, and enable MIDI sync. Now it will start at a new random value for every key press. 8)

Frederik (FabFilter)

Even slower LFO settings would be much appreciated.

Also, the possibility to let an envelope (or LFO) modulate itself. On a modular system, this is the standard method to change the shape of the envelope, for instance, to get a more exponential or more logarithmic shape. Another (perhaps clearer) option is of course to have a "shape" knob for each envelope, going from logarithmic shape, through linear, to exponential...

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