FabFilter User Forum

FF Twin: Non-linear Mod Sources


From the moment I first demo-ed FF One, I’ve been almost, nearly entirely and completely satisfied with the spot-on sound that FF produces. After picking-up Twin in the recent group-buy, that satisfaction can multiplied by 10. FF Twin is so close to occupying my top spot for subtractive leads and basses (in fact, with bass, it’s already there.), that I need to share some recommendations that would declare the contest over.

1. Envelope segments are too linear, and the modulations imparted seem artificial. They need exponential characteristics produce a more natural-sounding signal. Ideally, I’d like to be able to control the concavity or convexity of the stages, but exact control is not required. Generating non-linear curves would put FF Twin over the top.

The remainder of my recommendations is not critical; they are more like nice-to-have’s.

2. An additional decay stage for the EG’s. While it is possible to create swells combining two EG’s, I’d like to accomplish swells with one EG having a second decay stage. (Of course, my swell would be slightly non-linear if recommendation #1 happens.)
3. Audio FM the filter(s). Would add a little sizzle without remaking FF Twin into an all-out FM synth. Most likely, allow Osc 1 to modulate Filter 2, and vice versa. Of course, FM Amount could be set in a modulation slot.
4. AD and AR “One-shot” EG Options. The AD option plays completely though the AD stages as programmed regardless of how long a note is held. The AR option plays through the AR stages as programmed regardless of when the note is released. Combine Filter FM (3) with an AD or AR One-shot EG, and a large number of percussive opportunities arise.
5. Parabolic LFO waveform. Skew the sine wave to become parabolic. Perhaps a new control could be introduced to the LFO to determine the amount of skew. The same control could be used to skew the square wave toward a pulse.

Feel free to completely ignore this last recommendation.
6. Display real-time filter modulations with option to turn off/turn on to conserve CPU. I think that the FF Twin’s Filter Display would be even more fun if it showed the effects of modulation in real time.

Congratulations on a great-sounding synth. I hope my recommendations are worth the bytes they occupy on your forum.

Bob Tormey

Hi Bob!

Thanks for your comments. We have chosen our envelope curves after listening to a lot of old analog synths...

We already have some interesting modulation ideas that might improve the experience for you a lot. We'll keep your comments in mind for the next update!


Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Bob,

Nice suggestions, and I look forward to the new modulation ideas Floris mentions. In the meantime, you can get a "quadratic" version of FFTwin's usual envelope curves by trying the following (apologies if you've already tried this...):

  • In modulation slot 1 (say), route EG 2 to filter 1 cutoff; set the amount of modulation to ZERO.

- In modulation slot 2, route EG 2 to the modulation amount of slot 1; vary the amount of modulation in slot 2 to taste.


Dear Fab guys

I just bought the Twin, Volcano and the Timeless.
And I am very amazed. Was just about to go and by the Studio electronics SE-1X synth, but the twin will for sure delay my plans for a while. Like Bob Tormey I also miss some more control of the envelope curves. Particularly when making percussion sounds.

Another suggestion, since you are showing so good programming skills, would be a nice round sounding sat/fuzz on the output of the synth.

Keep your good work
/August Engkilde

August Engkilde

some of the filters in fabfilter volcano saturate real nicely! Try adding that after Twin. Select the "clean" preset in volcano, crank the input knob (and compensate with the output knob) and select your filter type. Make sure the filters are "neutral", that is, making no filtering (unless you want to of course!).


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