FabFilter User Forum

MIDI assignment question


I've been messing around with FabFilter Simplon as a VST within Ableton Live 6 and I have a question. At the moment, I intend on using it as a HPF/LPF filter, one on each of my virtual "decks". Now, I have the majority of my controls assigned to my M-Audio X-Session. The issue arises when I attempt to assign something in Simplon to any knob on my X-Session. I press the learn button, move the knob in Simplon and then move the knob on the controller, except it doesn't assign anything to it in Simplon. Ableton detects the information being sent from the X-Session but the Simplon VST doesn't appear to reconize it.

Is there any solution to this?



Ableton Live doesn't have a lot of options for routing the MIDI flow. It's a known difficulty. Once you have routed the signal into an MIDI intrument, it won't get to your effect plug-ins placed on the same track. There seems to be a workaround, but I don't know that secret. Maybe someone else here? :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

Hey Floris,

Thanks for the reply, I'll figure something out! :D

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