FabFilter User Forum

New products: Timeless and Simplon!

Hi All!

We have just released FabFilter Timeless, a stereo tape delay plug-in with flexible feedback routing, optional time stretching, two high-quality filters and unique drag-and-drop modulation slots. Also released is FabFilter Simplon, a simple filter plug-in especially suitable for live performance with the same high-quality filters

You can download free trial versions at www.fabfilter.com/download

Until december 25, existing users of FabFilter Twin, Volcano or One,
can purchase upgrades for Timeless and/or Simplon (about 35% discount!).
Visit www.fabfilter.com/shop to purchase your upgrades.


Floris (FabFilter)

Amazing! I can't wait to check them out. :D

Seeing Timeless's (stunning and ergonomic) GUI, I can't help but wonder if Volcano will ever get the drag-and-drop modulation scheme. It would really enhance the useability of that classic. :)


Congratulations! I love your stuff.



The new apps are awesome. I am buying timeless as soon as I get home from work today! You guys continue to floor me with your amazing work. Your products are such a breath of fresh air..

Congrats and keep up the excellent work!!



Another Topper!




you guys had such a good looking webiste; what the hell has happened? As a registered user of Twin and Volcano I don't like to be so critical but the new website is frankly the wrost commerical website I have ever seen....So hideous to look at I half wonder if its been hijacked????



my error; must have been some weird caching bug on my pc, the site now loads identical on firefox as IE; feel free to delete my previous (and this) post...& apologies, Paul


Hi Paul,

Yeah, for some reason firefox uses a cached stylesheet instead of the new one, but this only happens the first time you visit the new site. Just one F5 refresh and it look normal again :-)

Floris (FabFilter)

Is there any reason to buy Simplon if I already have Volcano?

By the way, it would have been descriptive to call Simplon something like "Volcanette" or "Mini-Volcano" or something cuter.

Greg Moore

I don't quite understand how Timeless works. There seems to be a delay time for channels 1 and 2 at the top left (the big knobs) where you can set them to be 1/4 note for example. However, there is also an LFO1 and LFO2 at the bottom which are also syncable. Those create oscilations in the dry signal or the delayed signal?

Greg Moore

Try playing something with only the dry signal audible, then with only the wet signal. You'll see it's only the wet signal that's affected (delay & filter)

Not had much spare time to play with it yet, bu I'm liking it very much so far!



Greg: The LFOs will do nothing unless you connect them to a control to modulate. You do this by dragging the source icon at each LFO to the knob (for example Delay Time) that you wish to modulate.

See also 'drag-and-drop modulation' in the help file.

Frederik (FabFilter)

are there supposed to be presets with the new plugins? I don't seem to have any on the mac version.




the upgrade-prices are still high.

I already own volcano and tested timeless. I'm impressed, but for 79$?
So I have to use another delay in combination with volcano....

Upgrading to Simplon (from Volcano) makes no sense. Otherwise (I'm a filter maniac) - I did the upgrade from Frantic to Little Frantic for 9.95€, that's a moderate price politic.

Just my opinion!


Rüdiger Kuhn
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