FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q3 harmonic series option?

Hi, guys!
For the first, thank you for Pro-Q3! Love it a lot!

What about harmonic series option (like in iZotope RX De-Hum)? I think it would be very cool and useful for taming nasty tonal buzz for example. And if it would be possible to make these harmonic series notches dynamically reacting (simultaneously or even independently), that would be a killer feature.

Shramm Storm

Yes, controlling all the harmonics of a given peak frequency at the same time, at once, would be useful. There are some third-party products that have this option (I remember one, at least, and is not the one you mention). On the other hand, we must say that the Grab Spectrum feature is already identifying any important frequency (including frequencies that may be harmonics of other lower frequencies), but we have to grab each peak separately, so, nonetheless, such a feature could be useful in some situations.

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