FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C 2 Cubase Sidechain

I know sidechaining with the Pro-C 2 should be doable in Cubase. Everything works as it should except the Sidechaining button in Cubase does not show up as it should in interfaces that is compatible with the DAW. I know it must have to do with the VST 3 installation, but considering in the installation it tells me it goes to the most common VST 3 plugin folder I can not find any solution.. Any Cubase users with similar experiences?


It feels to me like the problem is the VST3 is not installing correctly, but I cannot really do anything about it since i cannot edit the installation location of it.


Try opening the VST3 version of Pro-C 2. It's located in the Dynamics submenu, marked with the /// VST3 icon.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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