FabFilter User Forum

Improvement for GUI in ProQ3

I’m using very intensively proq3 and before proq2 each day since 2 years now in post production.
This plug in my favorite equalizer and my favorite plug. It is really amazing !
But...I have one single little thing that sometimes really bother me.
I’m from time to time very annoyed when the « big » floating window is in front of a point of equalization and make it difficult to grab it with the mouse. It arrives near ten times a day and slow down the work.

I would really love to have an option to:
- put that floating window just off. The other informations are sufficient.
- put it in another place fix or not but not at the bottom where there are always sound informations because if the visualisation of the Fourier curve.

Please make eq3 the killer equalizer I‘m dreaming of !!
(And thanks for the hard work that has been already done).


Hi Mikael,

Thanks for the feedback, we will consider it. We did experiment with ways to fix or hide the band controls, but so far haven't found a way to do that that was elegant and easy to understand.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi there -

I am with the above user - I love Q3 too - it's my absolute go-to for EQ.

However currently I am cutting Ambiences and have been for some weeks, and I have developed a growing frustration/anger with the Band Controls UI. All I want to do is move the UI above the EQ line - get it away from the waveform completely. Even a floating UI that can be placed wherever you want - is this so difficult?

Brent Burge

Another vote for an option to get the huge control panel out of the way. Or it can come up only "on request"?

Another idea:
I've been using the feature that turns the analyser into the "jelly" view where you can then pull down offensive bands directly. I wish there was an option to keep this mode permanently on so you don't have to "wait" for it to kick in with the mouse in the bottom area of the plugin.

Many thanks!



Hi Frank,

You can enable Permanent Spectrum Grab mode by clicking and holding in the spectrum area for a second. The purple highlight will turn into blue.


Frederik (FabFilter)

@Brent: The idea is that everything that is interesting happens above the band controls area. Have you tried setting the analyzer range to 120 dB so quiet signals are still displayed above the band controls?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Frederick - you make me realise why I never stop learning in this industry. I did diligence in looking for all the zoom functions - and only now you show me how - thank you. This helped a massive amount.

That said - I went back to my searching of zoom functions in the help docs - and I could not find reference to this feature (and its referred to as "Range" not "Zoom"). Maybe this could be added alongside the "Horizontal Zooming" in the Display and Workflow page?

I know this is petty semantics - but when you can't find that solution - you assume there isn't one.

Thanks again - Cheers - Brent

Brent Burge

Thanks Frederik, that helps!

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