FabFilter User Forum

Latest update of pro L2 crashes cubase on close.

Latest update of all my fabfilter plugins crashes cubase instantly when attempted closed or minimised. Running cubase 10.0.15


That's exactly my problem as well!
It affects ALL FabFilter Plugins inside Cubase, VST2 and VST3. I've encountered this problem only with FabFilter PlugIns. Reverting the Cubase updates all the way up to 10.0.0 didn't change anything, as didn't installing older FabFilter PlugIn versions.Closing the PlugIns causes the windows to go white and Cubase to crash, as does trying the "switch to generic GUI" option in Cubase.
This is very strange as I used the Plugins the last few weeks and after updating Cubase to 10.0.15 today even reverting (as I mentioned above) doesn't change anything, so I can't use my older projects anymore... Please, FabFilter guys, is there anything you can do? Is it maybe a Cubase bug or even a windows problem? Running WIN 10 Pro x64 1803, Build 17134.590


It even crashes a wrapper plugin like the DDMF MetaPlugin. On closing of the windows, that is.


The PlugIns work flawlessly in Bitwig Studio 2.4.


FabFilter VSTi are also affected.


I updated Windows to 1809, build 17763.316. No changes, still crashing. Interestingly enough, when I installed the software (Cubase 10) on my friends laptop (also Lenovo, T-Series) with the exact same 1809 build and ran the Pro-Q3 VST3 Demo in it, it doesn't crash...


In Cubase 9.5: Also crashing. This is very strange. I used FabFilter for years in Cubase 9.5, never had a problem...


i just found the solution, I'm not kidding...

Insert Soundtoys "MicroShift" on your Control Room as an insert, and bypass it. You can then add FabFilter PlugIns and close them again.


Obviously, this is not a problem only with FabFilter PlugIns, so cheers to my favourite PlugIn Company. ;)


It sounds like these crashes are related to the latest Nvidia 419.17 graphics driver, see this thread:

To all who posted in this thread, are you using this driver version? From what we've hear, the 418.81 driver version works without any problems so please try to use that driver version instead.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey Frederik,

that's absolutely right! Didn't think of that, to be honest, but it does kind of make sense, that it's a graphics driver issue. I was on 419.17 and you're right, 418.81 works like a charm. Quadro P500 btw.

Dank je wel!

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