FabFilter User Forum

When to oversample if working at 96k?

Hello FF! Under what circumstances does it make sense to oversample if I’m already working at 96k+? Some patches for Saturn, Pro C2, etc have oversampling enabled and I wonder if I should leave that enabled while working at 96k. A while ago I remember hearing that if you’re working at 96K your entire session is basically oversampled already so enabling it on plug-ins is overkill. And I know “use your ears” is an answer but I’m just wondering about this from a DSP perspective. Thanks!

Trevor C

I think in most cases that's unnecessary.

96khz is already higher sample rate compared to 44.1Khz x2 oversampling

I think I might use oversampling at 96khz only if I added MASSIVE saturation in Saturn or something (HQ mode gives you 8x oversampling if I'm not mistaken).


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