FabFilter User Forum

new features for Pro-MB

Hi all, thanks for the gorgeous Pro-Q3 sidechain update! Is there any Pro-MB feature update planned? Now that they have the dynamics incl. external sidechain listening in overlap (though not completely) I personally don't have much use for Pro-MB anymore. It would be nice to hear from you about that before I take any actions I might regret later on :-)


same for me.


Well, if you don't have use for attack, release, ratio, knee, lookahead, stereo link and freely configurable external and internal sidechains, none of which you get in Q3, I don't know what else you look for in a multiband compressor... I hope one happy day they'll give us the frequently requested steeper slopes / narrower bands, but other than that, I can't really think of any situation where using MB I've thought, "if only you could also do THIS"... What would you guys like to see added to it? Just curious...



I join to Cabirio's question, Pro-MB is a monster.

Anyway, Pro-Q3 has bells/shelves/notch dynamic filters, and Pro-MB uses band-pass filters
Their behavior is entirely different, and are not for the same purpose


I only used Pro-MB as kind of dynamic eq since I asked FF and was told that was not planned. For real compression I'd like to work with comps having real attack & release times and I favor the Pro-C2 compression styles ^^ It's easier right now to just load some of the Blue Cat Audio multiband hosts and insert Pro-C2. That's why Pro-MB is kind of useless now for me.


I don't fully understand how Pro-C2 is a replacement for Pro-MB, since it's a single-band compressor.
If you prefer "real" values of attack/release in milliseconds that's understandable.
You should know, however, that the attack/release/knee values in Pro-C2 are also program dependent (according to the styles), so the values are actually a bit different than what is written.

Anyway, I really doubt FF will release a Pro-MB major update soon.
Even if they will, they will probably stick to their program dependent algorithms.


"I don't fully understand how Pro-C2 is a replacement for Pro-MB, since it's a single-band compressor." - Yroth

"It's easier right now to just load some of the Blue Cat Audio multiband hosts and insert Pro-C2." - Marcel

The BCA plugins offer 3rd party plugin hosting. There is e.g. MB-7, an up to 7 band mixer. Using it you can do any multiband processing with the plugins you want. Pro-MB has some advatages over that though I can understand it "lost value" for some users since the Pro-Q3 update if you're not doing classical compression with it.

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