FabFilter User Forum

How long does the transfer request take?

Hi, I recently started talking with someone who offered me a really good deal on your guys' Total Bundle (to the point where its probably too good to be true, if I'm being honest, and the reason why I'm cautious).

Anyways, we've been going back and forth for a while trying to figure out how to go about the process and I finally convinced him to use the Fabfilter transfer service instead of just sending me a download link. At first, he sent an email to you guys requesting a transfer, but that you never responded, so I asked him again to use the transfer request form and now it is 'Processing Transfer Request' according to him. It is my understanding that the transfer request, once paid for, is immediate and I should have received an email by now (this happened 4 hours ago). I wanted to double check though before I start calling him out and moving on to reevaluating which products I can afford within my budget.

Thanks! I appreciate the help. I look forward to a response, and if anyone has anecdotal experience with license transfers then I would appreciate it.


Hi Zion,

The transfer process is simple: the seller buys a transfer "right" from us for €10. Once completed, this adds a "Transfer" link to each order in the My Account overview. The seller can now click one of these links to transfer the order to the buyer, simply filling in the buyer's name and email address. That will transfer the plug-ins instantly.

In your case, I'm sorry to say that it sounds like the seller is not legitimate and wants to convince you to bypass the transfer process. No one should ever try to sell you a download link: our plugins are always available for download at www.fabfilter.com/download and what you need is a license key in your name, which will be created by our account system.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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