FabFilter User Forum

Essential feature needed: simple "copy / paste settings" functionality for migrating between Pro-Q 2 and Pro-Q 3

I'm sure this has been posted before, but I wanted to post again to make sure it's firmly on your radar - we really need a simple "copy / paste" settings feature to make it easy to migrate between different versions of a plugin. I'm specifically thinking of Pro-Q 2 and Pro-Q 3.

Saving presets isn't really a good workflow for several reasons:

  • saving & loading a preset takes longer than copy / paste
  • it creates unnecessary clutter in your preset folder - saving presets in this situation, they're only really being created to be used 1 single time, after which they're no longer needed. It's annoying to have to clean out unneeded presets that were created just for migrating purposes.
  • when you save a Pro-Q 2 preset inside Pro-Q 2's presets folder, it doesn't become visible in the ("V2 Preset Folder") preset menu of any Pro-Q 3 instance until you close & reopen your DAW (at least in Live 10). You have to go to Options -> Open Other Preset to open it manually, which is even *more* steps.

It really is super cumbersome to simply migrate an instance of Pro-Q 2 to Pro-Q 3, it needs to be easier.


This wouldn't just be useful for Q2->Q3 migration, but also to manage things between instances of Q3, especially if it could be done on a per-filter basis. I often duplicate some but not all filters between instances in different tracks (e.g. between OH and Snare).

I imagine a "Copy" button that will act on any filters that are selected; if you want to copy the whole preset, just select them all (or add also a "Select all" button for convenience). I'd be ok with automatic numbering when pasting and I guess a simple "no. of filters > 24" flag would be enough in terms of error checking, given that now you can have mixed Stereo/L/R/M/S filters in one instance.


Thirded. Was discussed recently too.

Another reason for wanting this is that saving/retrieving filed presets is much more error prone than a simple transfer buffer for the data.



Here is the other recent thread, which has initial feedback from Fab.


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