FabFilter User Forum

Pro-L 2 Loudness Metering Feature Requests

I find Pro-L 2's loudness measurements to be extremely useful, especially the integrated mode. However, I sometimes find that reading the meter can be difficult as the display updates. I have a few small requests that could make this easier:

1. Meter Freeze Button (and Link to DAW Transport):
It would be useful to have a freeze button for the various meters (and the level display) to stop them from updating temporarily. This would be especially useful for the infinite scrolling display mode, which can expand and zoom out on its own as you try to read the measurements. In addition, I request that freezing could be linked to the DAW's transport state, i.e. meters would freeze automatically when the track is stopped.

2. Loudness Meter Reset on Playback Start
I often use the level meter and the integrated loudness measurement to measure the loudness of a specific section of a track before and after making changes. However, to prevent these measurements from affecting one-another, it is necessary to manually click the loudness reset button every time I restart the section. I request the ability to force the measurements to reset automatically when DAW playback is triggered. Combined with the first request, this would effectively grant the ability to fully link meter updating to audio playback.

3. Automation for the Loudness Reset Button:
As an extension of the second request, I would love it if the loudness reset button could be automated. This could be used to precisely isolate measurements for specific sections of a song, or to approximate the behavior I mentioned in request #2.

Pro-L is already my favorite limiter, thanks in no small part to the excellent metering. Having these options would bring it even closer to perfection.


Thanks for the detailed explanation and the compliments! We'll definitely look into this to see if we can implement that in a future update.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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