FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 3 External Spectrum sidebar

Thanks a lot for Pro-Q 3 upadate. Seamless External Spectrum across whole project is a massive timesaver. I waited for something like this for ages.

Here some idea for UI and productivity boost which I think could be usefull for users.

How about an option to show all external spectrum in sidebar of the plugin?

While mixing and fixing conflictiong frequencies I noticed that I switch between EQ itself and External Spectrum pop-up A LOT and it can became tedious very quick.
Pop-up cover a part of the spectrum so you can't just keep it open all the time and work with it.
So mostly I had to repeat the same thing:
Open pop-up - select spectrum - close pop-up - work with EQ - open pop-up - select spectrum - close pop-up - ...

Having all External Spectrums in sidebar allow you to see all spectrums or check clashing frequencies from all instances just in roll of your eyes. And you can swiftly switch to any Spectrums and see conflicting frequencies from any instances.
No clicking, switching back and forth, no hassle.

Here some rough sketch of what I mean

What do you think?

P.S. Sorry for bat english
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 ゝ、  \ /⌒ヽ,ノ   /´
   ゝ、 ( ( ͡◉ ͜> ͡◉) /
     >     ,ノ


That would indeed be amazing !

If you add to it the much requested possibility to navigate between all Pro Q3 instances to quickly edit EQ on other tracks that would be a TREMENDOUS gain in productivity !

Thank you for proposing such a neat sketch, I fully support your idea !


Interesting ideas, we'll definitely consider them!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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