FabFilter User Forum

Would I still need FabFilter Pro-C if I had Pro-MB?

I'm aware that Pro-C is single (full) band compressor and Pro-MB is multi-band compressor and because of that the workflow - in particular the graphical representation of the results - is slightly different. But other than that does Pro-C have anything I can't do using Pro-MB with just a single band?

I'm considering getting some few plugins while the -25% sale lasts, but I'd prefer to avoid feature overlap (I was thinking Pro-L, Pro-MB, Pro-Q3 and Timeless2)


There's barely any feature overlap in my view, with the different Fabfilter plugins.
Pro-C to me sounds different than Pro-MB in single band. The different styles have a considerable impact on the compressor action. Plus you can do parallel compressing with Pro-C (the mix knob on Pro-MB only dials back the processing afaik, it doesn't blend in the original signal).

Also check out Saturn! :)

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