FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter Pro-Rrrrr. Rrrr U serious? o_O

First of all, I would like to thank all the people took part in creation of it and express gratitude and excitement of surely long and not easy done work. Progress always demands brave decisions and often outstanding steps and nowadays manufacturers make a lot of attemps to lead The Race day by day making raids to unknown fields... but do they?

Now what the hack is it?! It looks like You've caught really creative mind of putting Decay Rate onto EQ field but your brains were enough only for one step to something new!
Where is:
- BRIGHTNESS ranges according EQ field allowing musicians controlling Brightness depending on Frequencies
- CHARACTER ranges according EQ field
- DISTANCE ranges according EQ field
- SPACE!!! This answer was the most obvious! This should, of course, range according EQ field
STEREO WIDTH. Aaaahhh. Here we came to the most interesting gizmo of creativity doesn't wishes to come into hands of the whole bunch of today manufacturers. You guys all so much deepen into coping or repeating principles and process were in great demand from 60s that don't even realise You should go further basing on them but not re-create them again and again in different covers and from different view points. It's really cool to begin controlling DECAY RATE basing on EQ but is it everything? Where is
- STEREO WIDTH ranges according EQ field, giving controll to move Reverb effect into LEFT Side, RIGHT Side or STEREO or MONO in defined range of frequencies?

Psss! Heyyy. You there... right! You!
I wasn't telling You anything about LFO modulation of all knobs, right?)

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