FabFilter User Forum

Studio One v4 UI freezing issues

I am experiencing an issue with Presonus Studio One v.4 where, whenever I open the UI of a FabFilter plugin and move it to my secondary monitor, the entire DAW UI freezes up and becomes non-responsive until I have to kill the process.
I have only seen this with Studio One, but then again, it only happens with FabFilter plugins, so I don't know who the most appropriate party to report this would be: Presonus or FabFilter. It always involves a setup with multiple monitors, and having the plugin UI pinned on the secondary monitor.
Any help will be appreciated.


Well, I'm having a similar issue in BitWig, so it appears to be FabFilter problem after all.


Just wanted to post and let you know that I am running Studio One V4 (most recent) on windows 10 64-bit with 2 monitors and own most of the FabFilter plugins and I am not having this issue. If I had to guess I would say this may involve your graphics card but I am far from an expert. Just thought I would comment to let you know I'm not sure that it's a FabFilter problem or a Studio One problem. Have you tried reinstalling the plugins and making sure everything is up to date? I have had strange issues with studio one before that completely went away when I reinstalled it.

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