FabFilter User Forum

A Few Fab Shortcut Suggestions

A few cool ideas to improve workflow and make it even more intuitive.

Ctrl + Click to reset gain knob/dynamics.

Constantly boosting, and pulling on dynamics, then having to go and turn it down. Ctrl + click reset feels great on any knob, especially gain knobs. Separate of course.

S + Click to solo the band.

Much like boosting to find sweet/problematic frequencies, this would feel awesome while working. soloing the band was a great addition to pro-Q2, and having a key option to do it would top it off.


D + Click

I find myself very often making a band (or set of multiple bands), and desiring another band(s) of same Q and gain. I circumvent this by clicking the split option (scissor button) but then I have change all the bands to stereo again. Very frustrating. Band duplication would be fantastic.

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