FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q3 Band Solo

Since this is something some of us asked about some time ago and we were told that it might be considered for future versions of Pro Q, and I haven't seen any reference to it in the manual, could somebody tell me if the solo function is now assignable to MIDI and/or the possibility to have it in 'auto' mode exists?

Thanks in advance and congrats for a(nother) great plugin.


Hi Nano,

It's currently not MIDI-assignable but we did make separate solo parameters for each band in Pro-Q 3 so you can control them via a Pro Tools control surface.


Frederik (FabFilter)

But not in Reaper with a MIDI controller? (OhMy!Bytes Hickory to be more precise)



At the moment, no. We'll think about making this available for MIDI controllers as well. Would you use the Mute switch on Hickory for this?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I think the original idea was to use the 'push' function of one of the knobs (controlling the 'soloed' band and sweeping at the same time?), but I wouldn't rule it out if it was easier with a switch.


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