FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q3 trial limitations

Hi I've been using the trial for Q3. I just noticed that when reloading the session the settings are not coming up. If I purchase it will those previous settings made with the trial come back? Or is it lost permanently when you quit?



I'm having the same problem with a licensed version. It seems like this is a bug.

Mark Mucha

Thanks. I noticed it when copying from one track to another, the setting wasn't saved.

This is in Ableton 10.


Yeah, same here. I'm using Ableton 10, on Windows.

Mark Mucha

Win 7 x64 here.


We can reproduce this issue in Ableton Live using the VST versions of Pro-Q 3. This is a very unfortunate bug, we will fix this issue asap!

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Cheers! Will this work retroactively?


I can also report settings missing after project re-load.

Licensed Q3.
Mac (Sierra), Live 10 Suite


We don't know yet if you will be able to open existing sessions with Pro-Q 3 -- that depends on whether the problem lies with saving or loading and we are investigating that right now.

In the mean time, if you're using a Mac, you can use the AU version with Live which doesn't have this problem.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I can now confirm that the problem is with loading the session, so once we've fixed this bug, you'll be able to successfully load any sessions that you've already saved with Pro-Q 3 VST in Ableton Live.


Frederik (FabFilter)

There's a Pro-Q 3.01 update online now which fixes this problem: www.fabfilter.com/download


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for the fix so fast. I ended up redoing those channels as there was a deadline but will check to see if the previous save loads ok.


Can confirm old projects now load the settings that were 'lost' on 3.0.

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