FabFilter User Forum

Plug-in compatibility problems

There is 2 problem with the products:

1: Between Mac and Windows the version number are not equal. It's not just confusing, but when you are not up to date there is no warning, no nothing just simply the plugins not loading the automation in Protools. We had a huge investigation in the signal chain (2 hours of work time) and in the end we found out the problem was ProQ2 version differences.

I don't like waves but at least this never happens with that company plugins.

2: When you open an old session with version 1 plug-in in ProTools, for example Pro-L, I can't see anything that I've done in that plug-in. Why is not possible to just load the new version and good to go?

Tamás Bohács

Hi Tomás,

Even when using different minor versions of Pro-Q 2, like you describe, there should be no problem reading sessions between Mac and Windows; we always keep our minor plug-in versions backward compatible!

Could you give us some more info on the exact issue? What parameters did you automate? What didn't load?

About Pro-L v1: what do you mean with "I can't see anything that I've done in that plug-in"? Keep in mind that Pro-L v1 and Pro-L 2 will coexist, V2 will not replace V1 because that might affect the sound of saved sessions with V1.


Floris (FabFilter)
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