FabFilter User Forum

No Modulation shown? Volcano 2

hi, im demoin Volcano 2 and i dunno if i set something wrong but isnt the modulation shown on screen? :(
this is what i love about new plugins to also see whats going on.


Hi Tibo,

Modulations are currently not shown visually, which is a shame.

I've also requested this a few months ago.
Seeing the modulation in a visual way makes everything so much easier to set and comprehend, especially when you set a few modulators to affect 1 parameter.

In my opinion, this is the first thing to be added to a new version of the "Creative" plugins (the ones that have modulation built inside).
These plugins have so much power thanks to the modulation system, but to me it feels like I can't use all of that power because it takes too much time and effort to dig deep into complicated modulations.

I certainly hope that it Fabfilter team will do it in the near future, because right now it's easier for me to set an automation and actually see what's going on.



We hear you guys! It's still on our wish list... but so are many other features and improvement unfortunately :-/

Floris (FabFilter)

So much to do, so little time :}

Whatever you guys do always worth the waiting, but please don't forget about this :}


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