FabFilter User Forum

CPU overload

Hi Everyone,

I couldn't really find something on the forum that is similar to my issue. So i bought Pro-Q, Pro-R and Pro-C. Whenever i use more than +- 15 instances of any of the plugins (doesn't matter which one), my CPU spikes to 100% load every few seconds. Sometimes my DAW even crashes.

My setup is as follows:
Windows 10
DAW: FL Studio 20
32gb RAM
Geforce GTX 1070

I'm using the vst3 version, could it have something to do with that?
Normally when i use to many plugins, i push the latency a bit up. But i never had an issue similar to this one.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Typically the issue would be Pro-R. Reverbs are generally CPU hungry, especially the longer the reverb is.

Are you automating anything? I think Pro-Q in some cases can increase CPU use a fair bit with automation (might be DAW related).

Just a few things to look at off the top of my head. :)

Torben Andersen

Hi Torben,

Thanks for your reply. I'm not automating anything from Fabfilter. Also i've tried it with only 3 Pro-R's, but that didn't really make a difference :/. With Arts Acoustic's reverb i could use more than 20 reverbs without running into problems.. And in my opinion that's a very decent plugin.

Also normally my sound would just start jittering when CPU is overloaded. Now that's not happening. It just starts playbacking normally and then freezing all the time.

Anyway thanks for your help. Maybe i should try it with VST2 for once.

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