FabFilter User Forum

Side chaining with the pro C2

When side chaining do the compressors controls become dedicated to the ext signal?

I think all of them do but with auto gain on my bass which is the main track getting side chained to a kick seems to be getting slammed , at this point I wanted to just use the compressor for side chaining so I should just leave the auto gain off?


If used for side-chaining, then yes, you want to turn off auto-gain. :)

Auto-gain will otherwise try and make up for the reduction, which is not what you want in this case. :)

Torben Andersen

Thanks Torben

I’m taking this mixing course and in one of the videos dudes says some people leave it off but I like to leave it on, and how fab filters auto gain is very musical, it was driving me crazy and needed some clarity,

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