FabFilter User Forum

Educational DIscount

Hello there! I applied for an Educational Discount a few days ago. Yesterday i have also e-mailed support and wrote a message on the official Facebook page of FabFilter and still got no update on my application. How long does this usually take?...

I really want to buy a couple of plug-ins and i kind of need them asap, but still don't want to miss a 50% discount opportunity..


... handled now!

Floris (FabFilter)

I'm having an issue applying for the educational discount. I submitted the application over a month ago when I downloaded the 30-day trial period and still have not received a response. I would like to purchase and continue using the filters so I sent in another application yesterday and sent another email but again no response. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Hi Nathen,

We've just emailed you back regarding your edu application.


Frederik (FabFilter)

My demo for Pro Q 3 just ran out and I really want to purchase it ASAP. I submitted an education application and was wondering how long it usually takes to get a response? I'm in quite a time crunch.


Sina Wynne

Hi Sina,

We've approved your application today. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey, I just recently submitted my application for educational offers. Wondering how long it'll take to get reviewed? I kinda need it ASAP.
Thank you!



I submitted a request for an educational discount a couple of months ago, and haven't heard anything back yet.

I submitted a new request today and hope you can look over it soon.



@Anton: Can you resubmit your request? It seems like we didn't get your original application: www.fabfilter.com/shop/educational-discounts

@Christopher: We've received and approved your new request today.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Just submitted my request. How long doest it typically take for a response?


Typically one working day. We will review it today.


Frederik Slijkerman

Hello I recently applied for the student discount but still haven’t gotten any updates on my status. I’m hoping I can buy some of the plugins soon to work on my finals!

Erick Garcia

Hi Erick,

We'll review your application today!


Frederik Slijkerman

Just wanted to follow up on the progress of processing my educational discount! Sent it in a little over a week ago.


Hi Hank,

I'm sorry, but I can't find an application with your email address. Can you please resubmit it?


Frederik Slijkerman

Just resubmitted it! Thank you Frederik!



I applied several times for the educational discount and I also sent out a couple of emails to the help address with no avail. Is there anyway someone may be able to check on the status of my request?

Thank you!

Rodrigo Mayor

Hi Rodrigo,

We replied to you on March 26, 2019, requesting more proof that you're actually enrolled this year. If you send that to us via email, we'll be happy to set up your educational account. Please reference your case number (102834).


Frederik (FabFilter)


I re-submitted today for the educational discount since I thought the request I previously done weeks ago didn't work somehow!

Thanks for your attention!


Fabio A

Hey Fabfilter,

I submitted my educational discount rate on Monday of this week, was wondering how long it usually takes to get that checked out.



Hello Fabfilter!

I applied for a student discount twice and I haven't gotten a response! I want to buy the compressor and EQ for my audio engineering classes, but I can't afford both unless I have the discount. I hope you can help me resolve this issue. Thank you!


Matthew Bryson


How many different computers can I install the plug ins on if purchasing an educational license ?


Hello fabfilter

I put the information to create my student account and I put my certificate of schooling but I did not have a return by email.

is this a technical problem and would I get an answer soon?
Thanks you



I tried applying for the educational discount but kept getting an error saying that i did not fill out the form completely but I obviously did. Tried multiple time and no success.

Can someone confirm that my application went through and is getting reviewed?

Brayden B

Submitted my educational discount application a few days ago as well. Just hoping to get a follow up. Thanks!


Hi there,

I also submitted my educational discount application a few days ago, just hoping to speed up the process so I can buy as soon as possible!



Joe Little

I applied for an educational discount a few weeks back, it was just to check that it went through ok?



Hello, Just wondering how long it will take to get a response about
student discount, I applied recently.

Thank you

George Merturi

Hi guys,

Educational applications are usually handled within a business day. If you haven't heard back after a few days, please get in touch via info@fabfilter.com. However, please check your spam or promotions folder first!


Ralph (FabFilter)

I applied for educational discount recently as I ran out of demo periods for pro q3,pro MB and pro L2.I'm in absolute love with these plugins and wish to purchase them as soon as possible.How long does it take to review my request? Sorry for being impatient but I am in a hurry to finish my projects.LOVED YOUR PLUGINS BTW,you guys rock!


ishwar hegde

Hi Ishwar,

Usually educational applications are handled within a business day. I approved yours this morning.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Thank's for edu discount >:/<



I applied for Educational Discount a week ago and haven't got any response. I also sent a follow up email.

Please let me know if I have to resubmit. I really like to buy your products.

Regards, Jonas


Hi Jonas,

I case you have not heard back, did you check your spam folder? If there's nothing there, could you please specify your last name or email address, so I can check our system for messages?


Ralph (FabFilter)

Sorry for a maybe stupid question, but educational discounts are avalaible for every student or just for students enrolled in music related courses?
Example: I'm studying japanese at university, can I apply for edu discount?


Hi Pietro,

Our student discount is available for ALL student, not just those enrolled in music related courses.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Thanks for reply! I applied :)


Hi FabFilter-Team,

I applied for Educational Discount a week ago and haven't got any response. I also resubmitted this week, just in case there was a problem but I still got no response.
Is there a problem with my appliance?




I hope you and your family/friends are staying healthy and safe!

I sent in an application last night but didn't receive a confirmation email or anything, just want to make sure it was received.




I applied for the educational discount, and need the plugins ASAP for a session today and a PT session I am receiving with the plugins in it. How fast could I get it approved? Thank you!!


Hello all!

I am desperately trying to apply for the educational discount, but every Time I complete the form I am getting a 404 error page not found screen after I click submit. I have not gotten a confirmation email from fabfilter and I don't know if I should email a hand written application email. Can anyone help me? until then I will continue to fill out and submit the same application and hope it goes through!

-Antonio Peer

Antonio Peer


I submitted an educational discount application today but did not receive a confirmation email. Just wanted to make sure you got it. I'm eager to start working with these awesome plugins. Thanks!


Miguel Apreza

Hi there, I just applied for an educational discount. I noticed that it was taking a bit of time for some users to have it approved so wondered if you could look at mine asap as I'm keen to get up and running! :) Thanks!

Ben Mallott

Hello Fabfilter-Team,

i submitted a educational discount request 2-3 weeks ago and haven't heard of you since. Just wondering, if there is any issue with it. Can't wait to use these plugins!

Daniel Backhuß

Hi Daniel,

Usually we process all educational account applications every working day. If you have not heard back please send an email to info@fabfilter.com and we'll help you setting up an account.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hello, I recently applied for the education account. I am interested in the 50% student discount. I wanted to know how long it will take for my account to be approved. Fab filter plugins would definitely help me as a Full Sail student. Im planning on purchasing the essential bundle.

Angelica Rowe

Hi Angelica,

We have replied to your application request this morning. Please check your inbox. When you haven't received an email, please check your spam folder.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hello FabFilter!

Last week I applied for an educational account for personal use. I think it's been about a week now and have not received a response back. Would appreciate it if you could take a look over my application!

Thank you,

Jacob Johnson

Hi Jacob,

We have received and approved your edu application Monday, September 21st. You should have received an email from us with your login details. It may have ended up in your spam folder.

Cheers, Ralph

Ralph (FabFilter)

I may have accidentally deleted the email if it had shown up in my spam folder. Is there a chance you could have it sent to me again? I'd really appreciate it and I apologize for the inconvenience! Thank you.

Jacob Johnson

Hi Jacob,

I've just resent the email.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hey, How Are You. I just Applied for the student discount And added a photo of my Google Classroom (it only let me add 1 photo). There are no school IDs this year due to COVID. Everything that I sent in the application is below (minus the picture). I need to buy the Fabfilter Total Bundle by this Thursday because we will need to use it by Friday. Please Help. Thank You

Name: Terrell Ismail

School ID’s Cards Were Not Issued This Year Due To COVID-19. I Attached Screenshots Of My Google Classroom Which Is Where I Do Most Of My Classes. I Need The FabFilter Total Bundle To Start Learning How To Mix For A Music Project Me And My Friends Are Working On For School. I Tried Adding More Screenshots Of My Google Classroom But It Won’t Let Me Add More That 1. Please Help Me Get Approved As Soon As Possible. My Friends Father Is Willing To Help Us Start Learning This Coming Friday. Thank You For Your Time.

Terrell Ismail

Hi Terrell,

We have received and approved your application this morning.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hey, how are you Ralph. My Dad told me to ask you if you can delete my last post on this forum. I didn’t realize that this was a public forum and Losers have been trying to hack my School account. I am only 13 years old and without it I won’t be able to do my schoolwork. Also, I didn’t receive any email about my student discount being approved. How would I go about making the purchase of the Fabfilter Total Bundle with the student discount? Please help, I need to buy it by tomorrow. Thanks Ralph.

Terrell Ismail

Hey, Sorry again Ralph. I just found out from 1 of my classmates that I can’t receive any other emails besides the ones from the teachers With my assignments in my Google Classroom account. He said our Google Classroom accounts are made like that. So that’s why I cant see the email with The approved Student Discount Information. Can you Please resend it to my regular AOL account. Thanks Again and sorry to keep bothering you. Thanks


Terrell Ismail

Hi Terrell,

I've just forwarded the approval email to your personal email address.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hey Ralph, would it be possible to redact confidential information like email and password in Terrells post? That's what he was referring to in his post, when saying people are missusing his information :-)


Hey, Ralph. This is actually Terrell’s Father. We Just got the email from you with code. We are buying the Bundle for him today. Thanks again. Also, I just wanted to ask if you can remove my sons message from 10/19/20. I just saw Mirko also Commented on it above. My son didn’t know this was a private forum when he wrote the message. He’s now having a lot of people try to hack his student account everyday. Is there anyway to delete that comment. Thanks again Ralph and we appreciate the help.

Terrell Ismail

Sorry again, This is Terrell’s Father again. We were about to buy the FabFilter Total Bundle but he just showed me the email you sent to his personal email and it has the Link And The Username but for the Password it says <PASSWORD ONLY SENT TO USER>. His School account can’t receive emails so we can’t see it. Is there anyway we can change his FabFilter email/username to his personal email to Also avoid Any future problems. And then maybe we can just do a Password Reset through that email since he can receive emails there. Or if you can send the password to his personal email, that will work also. Sorry again and thank you for your time.

Terrell Ismail

Hi, I only found out about the educational licensing after beginning to create an order through your holiday sale.

I have submitted a request for an educational license as the savings will assist me immensely, living on a student income.

Can you advise how educational approvals may take? Many thanks!



I have just submitted my request for an educational account. I have not received a email stating that my request went through though. Is this normal? How long does it currently take for the requests to be verified? I could kinda use the plugins ASAP for a school project that im kinda late on... ;)
Thanks in advance!

Mark Linus Lippstreu

Hi Mark,

We received your application and have approved it on Feb 22nd. You should have received an email with your login details.


Ralph (FabFilter)

I submitted my request for an educational account two days ago. How long does the process take? Kinda need it ASAP :)


Hi Virgil,

We've replied to you yesterday.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I’ve submitted my request for the student discount. How long will it take for my account to be approved?


Hello, I submitted an application for a student discount and still haven’t heard back. How long is the approval process?


Hi Matt,

We have not received an edu application coming from this email address. Could you send it in again? We handle the edu applications within max 2 business days, but usually within 1.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Thank you I just resubmitted!



Today I applied for the educational discount and I was wondering how long it would take for the application to be accepted? I have to utilize the plugins for a project this week!

Thank you!


Hello dear Fabfilter. I think I applied an educational discount almost a month ago without an answer. Would love to hear from you guys!

Gard Thue

Nvm.. I looked in the wrong e-mail :( silly me. Thx!

Gard Thue

Hi, Submitted a student discount request as well, Do you get some sort of email confirming it is submitted. didn't seem to get a confirmation screen when i tried, and haven't gotten an email


Hi Deji,

You will get a confirmation once the application is approved. You do not get any confirmation whether the application has been sent or not.


Ralph (FabFilter)

Hey! Just curious how long it usually takes to hear back about the application!


Hey! I just applied for an educational discount by emailing info@fabfilter.com and also doing the application online, is there a way I could possibly know when I'll receive an email regarding my application?


Love the plugin, hope I get my application approved soon, just made a song that made me tear up and FabFilter Pro Q3 is on most of my channel busses.


just applied for the educational discount, how long does it usually take to hear back?


Hi Jack, all applications are usually revised within 2 business days.

Ralph (FabFilter)

How long does it take to verify the educational discount ?


Hello! I would like to apply for the student discount, however, whenever I fill the form, I get the error 404 - Page not found immediately after. Is there any other way to do this? Thanks!



Actually, nevermind! I just started the process over again completely and it worked!


Hi Fabfilter,

I have been teaching at Owens Community College as a part-time instructor since Fall 2003. I have bought many Fab plugins over the years. I will be teaching 2 classes this fall. My 2nd class is normally assigned after the full-time instructors have finalized their schedules in mid-August. Thank you very much for your amazing software and for reading my 're-application' and All the Very Best! :)


Walter "Mac" McKeever
Pro Tools HD Certified Expert
Adjunct Recording Arts & Music Instructor
Owens Community College, 2003 - 2022

Walter McKeever

Hi, how much time does it take you to check my student status? I recently applied for educational discount and very excited to buy the total bundle, I’m always checking my mailbox to see response from you guys! Hope it won’t take long. Also, thanks for the beautiful %50 discount offer!!! ;)

Iores Pyadzee

hello, i have applied to the educational discount yet i havent recieved an answer for over 36hours, is there any issue about my application?

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