FabFilter User Forum

Pro-G side-chaining doesn't work in Reaper

Hi! I've already sent a request to support, but decided to publish it here, so the folks with the same issue could find this post.

I recorded a video, which demonstrates the problem:

Please also find the Reaper project file from the video:

The short description is below:
1) I created a Side-Chain track, which has some notes
2) I created a Main-Signal track, which plays the part to be gated by the input from Side-Chain track
3) I created a group track Gate Track, and enclosed Main-Signal track into it
4) In the Gate Track I inserted Pro-G, which now combines signals from all the tracks enclosed into the folder (in our case it is only Main-Signal track).
5) In the Gate Track routing menu, I enabled 2 additional inputs by setting "Track Channels" to 4.
6) I doublecheck that Pro-G routing recognizes input 3 and 4 as sidechain inputs
7) I set up a send from Side Chain track to Gait track inputs 3 and 4
8) In Pro-G I opened Expert mode, and set up Side Chain feature to Ext. I double check that in Audion mode enabled I can hear the input from the Side-Chain track. I disable Audition and tried to adjust threshold so the sound from the enclosed Main-Signal track is gated as per the input from the Side-Chain track. And it doesn't work.

The same configuration for the included ReaGate plugin works perfectly.


Hi Vasily,

I checked your project and the problem is that Pro-G is triggering on the MIDI sent to the track it is placed on. In the Pro-G interface, click on the small arrow next to MIDI Learn in the bottom bar, and uncheck "Enable MIDI" to fix this. You also need to reduce the threshold to around -30 dB.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey Frederik,

Thanks for your assistance. It looks like it worked out, I am happy!
It was not intuitive though :-)


Yes - this was not intuitive at all - stumbled on this for a few hours with Pro C2, which has the same issue.

John Wheeler

Wow! Yeah! NOW I realise why my sidechaining never worked with Pro C2 before!


In Reaper you can click and drag from the Route button of one track in to the GUI of a plugin on another track to side chain. The cursor turns in to a 1/4" cable icon to indicate this.

So to duck a music track with a voiceover, add Pro-G to the music track, then click and drag from the Route button of the voice track to the GUI of Pro G. Then set Pro-G to Ext side chain.
Takes about 5 seconds. :)

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