FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q2 for resolving phase

I have a question about the use of the invert phase button.
I often mix two kick together, one with a lot of attack, an another for the "boom".
Is it good to think that I must invert the phase of one of the two kick (same process with my snares, too ) with the Pro Q2 ?
thank you in advance for your reply


Hi Bertora,

Phase inversion (like any other process IMO) is not a process you should 'automatically' do.
If the samples cancel each other out in a way that you don't like, then go ahead and invert one of them.
If they don't, than don't.

There's no 'must' in anything.



thank you very much.


Very often there's a sweet spot somewhere in between. If I'm mixing in and out mics, I'll always put a delay (Voxengo Sound Delay is nice and free) on the one closer to the beater or nudge the track forward until I get the right alignment.

Another cool trick, if you have a high pass filter on one of them (presumably the one with lots of attack), is to play with the cutoff frequency and slope. This affects the phase around that frequency and again you can easily find a sweet spot where the combination with the other track gives you the best sound. The advantage of this method vs. the delay is that it won't change the phase relationship further up in frequency, so you can still get a nice and tight bottom end without messing up the overall attack and timbre.



thank you for the trick ;) very good !

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