FabFilter User Forum

ProMB output of single band up to max - no graphic

I've had a couple of instances where Pro MB will play out a single band as if the output is up to max (+30dB). There is no graphic representation of this with the plug in window looking as it should including the spectral analyser and the user interface. The automation reads as it should just the output sounds boosted.

Very disconcerting in the middle of a mix! If you then restart Pro Tools it is back to normal!

Has anyone come across this and is there a way to avoid it?

Using PT 12.8.3, Pro MB 1.13, OS 10.12.6

Aran Clifford

Hi Aran,

We haven't heard of this problem before. If you come across a way to reliably reproduce it, we would be very interested in that so we can try to fix it.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Also, the latest version of Pro-MB is 1.17 so I do recommend that you install that version.


Frederik (FabFilter)


We are once again getting this problem. Seems to happen at random with certain instances of the plugin cropping up with this error at different times with no previous problem on that track. You just hit play and it will be wrong.

We are running the most recent version of ProMB with PT 2018.7.



Hi Aran,

Do you have a project that often creates this error so we can try to reproduce it ourselves?


Frederik (FabFilter)
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