FabFilter User Forum

Problem with plugins in mono

I have a problem with the adobe adution program and the Fabfilter plugin in mono. I only listen on the left side of the speakers. how do I solve it?


Hi Placoll,

Could you give us a bit more information regarding your current setup? OSX or Windows? Which version of Adobe Audition?

Would it be possible for you to send us a small video that illustrates this issue?

Please send it to info@fabfilter.com

Thank you in advance!


Use windows 7 x32 sp1 and adobe adution 3.0
I am using the trial version of fabfilter, it also does not allow me to use the stereo version of the filters it gives me a message: Failed to process the Fabfilter VST effect.

a greeting


First of all, Audition 3.0 is a quite old version and has various problems with its VST support. All of these are fixed in the latest CC version and we recommend that you update to this version.

That being said, you can use the stereo version of our plugins with older Audition versions, but you need to apply a small workaround. The problem that you're seeing is caused by the side-chain input that is present in most of our plugins.

You can manually force our plugins (taking Saturn as an example) to not expose the sidechain inputs to circumvent this issue. To do this, click the Start button in Windows and type 'regedit' <enter>. Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FabFilter\Saturn\1.0 branch. Right-click and create a new DWORD value. Name it "VST2_DefaultToNoSideChain" and set its value to 1.

Note that you need to replace the plugin name and major version number in this example by the plugin that you want to use in Audition. Note also that this will disable the side chain globally in all hosts.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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