FabFilter User Forum
Pro Q band solo latching behaviour?
Is there a way to cause a band in Pro Q 2 to stay solo'd without having to hold down the solo button? I'd love to be able to adjust parameters with the knobs instead of dragging a node around sometimes.
Evan — Mar 29, 2018
Hi Evan,
At the moment, this is not possible. We'll take it into consideration for a future update!
This, actually, would be an awesome feature. I'm in agreement with Evan.
I just found out a work-around. If you're an Ableton Live user, then click/enable the CONFIGURE button on the instance of Pro-Q. This button is visible in the Device View. With the button enabled, now go into Pro-Q and click the headphone icon (solo) button of choice. Ableton will now grab the parameter and allow it to be mapped. Click/disable the CONFIGURE button. Now the available slider can be manipulated to always "hold" the band in solo! Works perfectly!
Hope that helps!
+1 was looking for that exact feature "solo lock" just now. Confused why it's not possible???
It makes no since why this isnt aa thing. I locked it on accident multiple times hopefully i can figure out how...