FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 Keytracked Filter?

After using Twin 2 for a while I'm finally getting into truly learning its features and sound design potentials. Is there any way to make a "keytracked" filter (a filter frequency cutoff that moves to correspond with the frequency of the currently played note)? Thanks.

Beaker Andy

Hi Andy,

Sorry for the delay! Setting up keyboard tracking in Twin 2 is very easy. All you have to do is create a new modulation source, select KB tracking and assign it to your desired location (in your case, the filter frequency).

If you have any more questions, just let us know!


No reason at all to apologize. I am embarrassed it is that simple and I didn't figure it out myself. I am now using it successfully by changing the KB Track modulation slot to full level and the KB Track modulation response curve to Linear and then tuning the root frequency of the modulated filter by ear, usually around 520Hz seems in tune with my oscillators. If there is a smarter way to set these parameters for a key tracked filter that you know of I'd appreciate those tips. Either way, thanks Maarten.

Beaker Andy
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