FabFilter User Forum

Request For "Dynamic EQ / Dynamic Harmonic Exciter/Saturator" Combo, with Sidechaining

This is a formal request for a vst plugin, which I have called a "Dynamic EQ/Harmonic Exciter/Saturator."

I believe that you are capable of creating this powerful tool, and I have publicly shared my idea with anybody who would like to take a shot at building it (I have no patent).

Please take a moment to read the following link. Skip the first half, as it is a tutorial based on an idea in which I read on your site.


David Pixley @theMuzzl3Mastering

PS: If you do build this plugin, and would like to return the favor of me sharing the idea: please do send me any donations, rewards, shares, shout outs, and/or the plugin for free!!

David Pixley

Hi David,

Thank you for your message. I've just send you an e-mail about this.


Hi this is very interesting and spot on my dream EQ.

I also support this idea and strongly believe this can be a massive tool that id put on every single channel that needs eq, dynamics, color. Extremely nice idea and Fabfilter would be my first choice for your low cpu usage and awesome gui

Alexandre Desroches
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