FabFilter User Forum

Twin 2 MIDI Learn should NOT affect all instances

Hi all!

At the moment i am considering buying the total bundle (what i would love to do for a long time), and testing through the Demos...

One thing i have become aware of is:

MIDI Learn in my case spreads over all Instances, or "saves as default". I simply wanted to map some LEMUR XY controllers over 6 Instances of TWIN2, of course the XY fields in these Instances should have different CCs assigned.

Am i missing something here?

Thanks in advance for your help!

On the other hand: beautiful synth. I think it will make me buying the total bundle instead of just looking for partial plugins...


Yep, the way the MIDI learn system is designed at the moment is that it is global and applies to all instances. We'll think about making it per-instance in a future update.

Thanks for the compliments BTW. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for the answer Frederik!

If you consider changing this behaviour in the future, may i suggest to take a closer look at the XFER SERUM approach?

You can specify a "default" MIDI CC map (loaded with every new instance), you can load a specified one manually, and you can do this per instance.

I think, this covers all use cases...

Best regards, Eric.

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