FabFilter User Forum

Ratio 1:1 still compresses?

Hi! I'm trying to learn the Fab C for EDM but there are strange things happening that I don't understand:

* Peaks way below threshold still affects gain reduction (i.e. pumping in rhythm with beat)
* Ratio 1:1 still compresses: In fact ratio setting has NO impact on how the compressor compresses (same gain reduction curve no matter what)

This is so strange, I have no idea what i'm missing here? :/

Any help greatly appreciated :)




As for the first issue, Pro-C2 starts by default with quite a soft knee, you can change that by taking the knee parameter to a value you like, and set the default preset in the menu.

As for the Ratio, this obviously should not happen, I think this is a case for team Fabfilter :}



Hi Gainreducer,

Could it be that Pro-C 2 is receiving MIDI notes, which causes it to trigger gain reduction? If so, disable MIDI in the bottom bar and you'll be fine!

Floris (FabFilter)
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