FabFilter User Forum

Help -- Pro-G and sidechaining for unique situation

Hi FabFilter fans!

I have a unique situation I'd like help with:

I captured two audio sources from a live speaking event: one is the DI board mix (containing onstage mics), and the other is a room mic.

The end result I would like is that the room mic is muted/gated when the DI board mix has audio in it, and the room mic is amplified when the DI board mix is quiet. (This is because most of the event was captured well by the DI board mix, but there were some questions asked by audience members which are clear in the room mic but weren't captured in the DI board mix which only had onstage mics.)

I'm trying to figure out how to use Pro-G, and presumably sidechaining, to mix this. Can anyone give me some directions to accomplish this?

David Das

Patch the desk mix to the side chain, and switch Pro-G to ducking mode. That's the opposite of a gate: it opens when the signal drops below the threshold.

Dan Worrall
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