FabFilter User Forum

ffone-patches problem

Hi fab guys.
I downloaded the file mentioned in the subject looking for a template for remote 25.
Inside the zip file tehre is a mid file which I tried opening in Cubase but the file wouldn't dispaly anything.
Furthermore I tried to open it in midiOX as sysex and inspected it's format.The FO and F7 headers are missing.I added them manually and sent the dump to my remote but nothing happened.
Is this file intended to be used only with remote audio?I don't think so because the format for all remote's 25 is the same.I think something is wrong with the file.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Hi Kyros,

Thanks for letting us know, and for sending us a better patch. I've replaced the old one on the support page with the one you sent!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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