FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter PRO L and L2 meters difference

Hello guys, I need your advise.
I started to use Fabfilter Pro L2 like a month ago and I'm experiencing something weird on the meters.
Here is a video of what happens:

As you can see in this little video, at the loudest part, Pro L2 will mark that we are over -9dB rms when Pro L is clearly above.
Do you guys have a idea why or have experienced that as well ?
No problem in cubase routing. The track is sent to two Bus at the same level with FabFilter L on one bus and FabFilter L2 on the other.


Hi William,

This is because Pro-L v1 used a plain RMS method with quite a long window time for its loudness curve (in the display range setting you're using), while for Pro-L v2, we decided to use the now widely used ITU-R BS.1770 standard (Momentary) loudness, which works completely different (pre-filtering, channel weighting, shorted window time).

Floris (FabFilter)

Thank you Floris for you reply.
The thing is that I was used to meter the loudness of my song hitting -9dB rms on the loudest parts of my song in Pro L v1.
So now your advise would be to engage the loudness meter on Pro L2 and learn to work with it ?

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