FabFilter User Forum

Sidechain delay effect on a return track in ableton with pro c2 ?


Just got my pro bundle and im starting to gradually replace some stock plugins in Ableton with some fabfilter ones. I still struggle to get sidechaining to work properly. That basic bass/kick sidechaining is quite easy even if its necessary with a little workaround to get it to work with Fabfilter pro C2. This is described in the manual and in several videos on Youtube.

But in other cases i find it more difficult, for instance sidechaining delays and reverbs for vocals.

For instance i have a a delay VST (Echoboy) on a separate return track and i reserve the effect for the gaps in the vocal by using an ableton stock compressor. The compressor is inserted after the delay plugin on the return track. The stock compressor reads the original vocal signal directly and is ducking the signal reserving delay effect to gaps in the vocal.

I have no been able to make this solution work when replacing the stock compressor with pro c2

Is it possible to use pro c2 in a similar way or do i have to find other solutions?

Thanks in advance for any response ..

Dag Helge

Dag Gundersen

You can't do that in Live, that is, routing to sidechain inputs of VST's that are on a Return track.
However, given your usecase, it seems to me that you're only routing one track to the Return track (otherwise the ducking would be completely out of whack). In that case, you may just as well use the reverb and/or echo as an insert on your vocal channel.
Just insert an audiorack on the vocal channel, with two chains, one for the dry signal, and another for the echo and the compressor.

Btw, you could also use Timeless 2 and have that do the ducking, it can work with a sidechain input, but since you want to duck with the same signal as you're processing, you don't need that in this case. So it would even work on the Return channel.
Just insert an envelope follower in Timeless 2 and assign it to the wet out and you're good.


Thank you for your quick response and helpful advice.

Dag Gundersen
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