FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q2 , time to draw GUI

I'm facing what is an inconvenience. I use Pro-Q2 in dialogue mixing a lot. The DAW is Reaper v5.70x64(or previous, that doesn't matter) on Windows 7 x64.

I jump from track to track and keep the FX Chain window open most of the time. Pro-Q2 is the plugin usually opened on a track most of the time.

That GUI takes time to draw, in fact it takes the most time of all the plugins I use. And I can see why. It works very well, and it scales wonderfully with my docked FX Chain window.

When I change the track(click on it, or select the next/previous track with a shortcut), Pro-Q2 will be drawn in the FX Chain window, if it was the plugin last opened on that track.

Can the GUI drawing be sped up ?

It momentarily hogs the DAW while it draws its GUI, which is less than half a second, but the downside is that I can't edit immediately after changing tracks. I often need to close the FX Chain window during editing, which I didn't need to do with the Tonebooster, Waves and Reaper plugins I otherwise used on the tracks.

Like I said, it's an inconvenience. If there's a way to speed up the initial GUI draw period, I'd like to know.

Thanks for a very good plugin. I regret not getting this earlier :) .

Take care

Hardware specs. 6700K @4Ghz, GTX1070 gfx card, 32GB RAM.

Anthony Oetzmann

Hi Tony,

With "time to draw" do you mean the time it takes for the interface to initially appear when you open the FX Chain window? This should be almost imperceptible, definitely not half a second.

You could try to turn off graphics acceleration (temporarily) to see if that makes a difference. See here:


Frederik (FabFilter)
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