FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Pro L 2 Loudness Metering

I have studied the subject of loudness metering and since the release of FabFilter Pro L 2 I have revised on this subject.

I have read the online Pro L 2 help information from the FabFilter site, read many articles, blogs, looked at tons of images and watched many videos..

I understand to comply with the EBU R128 standard or various streaming platforms you aim for an INTEGRATED loudness target of -23 LUFS (EBU) or for streaming -14 LUFS (according to FabFilter).

I understand the INTEGRATED measurement is 'for a long-term measurement that combines all audio analyzed by the meter since the last reset'.

I've observed many engineers using the MOMENTARY (400 ms) and SHORT TERM (3 seconds) to measure the loudness of their signals.

My question is..

What is the MOMENTARY and SHORT TERM measurements for and do these measurements help you achieve your INTEGRATED loudness measurement?

These measurements seem important as there are MAX MOMENTARY/SHORT TERM readings..

Thank you


Andrew Cameron
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