FabFilter User Forum

EQ Match within a stereo track

I record live shows to a pair of room mics close to the stage in a local club. I've found that the bass amp is localized more to one side than I would like where the mics are mounted, and have used EQ Match to adjust this. I'm splitting the stereo track to two mono tracks, then adding a send from the left microphone's track to the sidechain of Pro Q 2 on the right microphone's track and using the EQ Match to cut the right microphone's low end to match the left, giving the impression that the bass amp is centered in the image.

Is there a way to use one channel of a stereo track to feed the sidechain for the purposes of EQ Match on the other channel, -without splitting to two mono tracks-?

Sloan Simpson

Ho Sloan,

Thank you for your interest in our plug-ins. I think there's an easier solution to what you're trying to achieve! Why don't you just use a hi pass filter (Side component) with Pro-Q 2 in M/S mode? Please let us know if that works!

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