FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 2 crashes my PC

Basically Pro-Q 2 seems to be crashing my entire PC, all the other fabfilter plugs I own work fine, but when loading projects with Pro-Q2 in its locked up my whole PC and I have to do a manual restart, no idea when it started happening, ive been slow with music up until the last week or so when I got back into things and decided to then go back and finish old projects when I found out the issue. Any help would be great. Thanks

Jordan Clayton

Hi Jordan,

Strange! Could you give us a bit more info? What OS, version? Latest plug-in version?

Floris (FabFilter)

Im using windows 10 and it is the latest version of Pro-Q 2

Jordan Clayton

It is the 64 bit version also.

Jordan Clayton

Can you try to disable graphics acceleration?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I tried this and still got the issue, infact, this is what I used to have to do to stop any issues. Im actually going to delete it off my PC completely and just try a fresh install.

Jordan Clayton

When you say "crash" what exactly do you mean?

Do you get a blue screen of death? Does the PC lock up? Does it automatically reboot?

It's worth noting that if your PC actually do any of those things, the issue is likely a much bigger one, as in there's an issue either with your hardware or drivers (or some random Windows issue because reasons).

Pro-Q 2 might be the one triggering the crash, but the actual cause is likely something different.

Torben Andersen

The PC just locks, no restarts or blue screens etc. It only ever does this with Pro-Q2, its a fairly new PC and this has only just started happening, although I have not been working on much music for the past few months until recently, but pretty much every one of my projects uses Pro-Q2.

Jordan Clayton

That's the worst; when the PC just locks up. At least with a BSOD you get some information to go by.

I would suggest opening up Windows' Event Viewer and checking Windows Logs > System for any warnings/errors with timestamps just before your PC locked up. If you're lucky there's something there to help you identify what is going on.
Probably also worth checking the Application logs, since there might be worthwhile information there as well.

Torben Andersen

Ill boot FL with Pro-Q soon and note the time & report back here, thank you!

Jordan Clayton

The only error I got was the one telling me the system rebooted without properly shutting down, which was me manually restarting it.

Jordan Clayton

You guys need to fix this. It’s freezing my brand new MSI which is a beast of a computer. There’s no reason an eq should lock up an entire os.

Edison Cole

Hi Edison,

I agree 100% that an EQ shouldn't lock up the entire computer. Theoretically this is also impossible because the system is divided into "user space" and "kernel space". Applications and plug-ins run in user space. All actions performed in user space are shielded from the kernel, and if user space code tries to do something invalid, the application will crash and Windows will just continue on. The only thing that can cause the entire computer to crash is a bug in Windows, or more likely, a bug in a device driver since these also run in kernel space. The most likely device driver to contain such a bug is the graphics driver since it's quite heavily taxed by the graphics acceleration code that we use. Again, any bugs in our code should just cause the host application to crash, if the graphics driver is solid. But in practice many drivers are not that stable unfortunately.

To check this, can you try to disable graphics acceleration?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I'm now seeing your post in another topic where you're saying that you already turned off graphics acceleration. Do you also see that the graphics are less fluent? (To confirm that it's really off.)

Have you checked that you have installed the latest updates for your graphics card?

You're saying that it happens when using three instances of more. Can you try to only have one interface open at a time to see if that circumvents the issue?


Frederik (FabFilter)

j ai le mème problème que toi quand je charge un projet avec pros Q2 L ORDI PLANTE et mon ordi c une bête ! par contre j ai remarqué que les ventilos de mon ordi accélère des ouverture de pro q2 et le bug j ai bien fait de tester le mode démo avant ! !
et les lien qui sont ds les commentaire c est bidons ou vas pas aller changer notre système pour un logiciel ! surtout a 150 euro !normalement ils doit fonctionner sens manipulation de fou ! des logiciel gratuit y a pas de bug les logiciel payant je les compte plus !


Hi F.

Once again graphics are completely disabled. Clearly the gui scaling / graphics coding within the program itself is completely flawed. It worked fine on windows 7 but with windows 10 there are numerous complaints of it locking up the gui. Not to argue semantics but it doesnt matter if the kernal space protects against the system gridlocking. if the gui locks up for the user it might as well be the same thing. the screen output completely freezes and nothing moves or changes.

any moderate or above level producer is going to use more than 3 instances of proq within just a few mixer channels let alone within a project. Is there going to be an update on your end to fix this or not??

These are very expensive plugins. ALSO disabling graphics acceleration makes it almost impossible to properly see the waveform / frequencies in the analyzers of the eq, pro l, etc.

We need a fix for this


Hi Edison,

I'm really sorry, but the flaw is in the graphics driver (see my reasoning above) and we simply can't be responsible for fixing this or working around this. On my system, I can open dozens of FabFilter plug-in interfaces at the same time with graphics acceleration enabled.

For precisely this reason, we offer you the option of disabling graphics acceleration so you can work with our plug-ins on a system where the graphics driver/card combination is not stable enough.

I hope I've been able to make things clearer now.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederic,

unfortunately a very similar problem does regularly occur on my system. I am using Pro-Q3 with Audirvana on a W10 machine. The symptom is as follows:

While playing music with Audirvana and Pro-Q3 my 2 screens get completely blank in unpredictable intervals . No intervention whatsoever with mouse or keyboard would revive the screens to action. You'd hear the fans turn up to full speed. Audirvana will continue to play for a couple of minutes before it stops. The only remedy is a manual hard reset.

This behaviour only happens with Pro-Q3 activated, especially when no other programs are active. Other VST plug-ins run completely slick on Audirvana.

These symptoms got somewhat better with Pro-Q3 3.17 but haven`t disappeared completely. I understand that you fixed a bug in that version that was related to idle times on a machine. My gut feeling is telling me that this might be related.

Long story cut short: I love Pro-Q3 but this behaviour turns it useless for me. I literally lost hours of work due to the hard resets required. If there is no fix I'll have to dump Pro-Q.

My system:
ASRock X470 Taichi
Ryzen 7 2700X
ATI Radeon RX Vega64 (8GB) - Driver 20.12.2 (happened under previous versions as well)
W10 20H2 (happened under previous versions as well)
Audirvana 3.5.43 (happened under previous versions as well)
Pro-Q3 3.17 (happened under previous versions as well)

Wolfgang Huber

Hi Frederik,

sorry for the misspelling in my previous post. The FAQ relative to disabling the graphics acceleration doesn't work for me.


There is no FabFilter section under:

but rather under

I added the value GraphicsAccelaration=0 directly to FabFilter. Does this do the trick as well?


Wolfgang Huber
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