FabFilter User Forum

Triggering Pro-G with MIDI notes, not controller


I'm trying to trigger Pro-G, so it opens up the gate and let sound thru, with MIDI notes. Not with MIDI controller data. I wasn't able to do this. Is it possible at all?

BTW: I was able to work with Modulation controller e.g. assigning to threshold. But aftertouch didn't work, and notes neither.

System info: Logic 10.3.2, El Cap 10.11.6



Sorry, found the solution!

Silly me had the threshold at minimum, but in my case (exact triggering via MIDI note length) I need to start at max.

And I didn't even touched that threshold knob *LOL*

Wanna-be mix master should maybe finish the night session and go to bed ;)
Hope at least that helps other users.


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