FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q2 - enabled and unused midi values

I'm trying to control Pro-Q2 using midi controller. The problem I found is that band state parameter has 3 values (disabled, enabled, unused).
Using button on my midi controller I can use only 2 states. The problem is that value 0 is for disabled and value 127 for unused. With standard setup I can not enable band.
I re-programed my controller to get from button value 0 and 63 which works fine, but with this setup buttons works only for Fabfilter plugins. Other plugins are expecting value 127 to enable.
I tied midi learn function but it doesn't work for me.
Any idea to get enabled using value 127?

I'm using Studio One 3.5 and Behringer BCR2000.



I am also wondering how to achieve this?



Hi Jan, Stuart,

Yes this is a problem in Pro-Q 2; you can work around it by reprogramming your MIDI controller but that isn't ideal as you noted. Fortunately we solved this in Pro-Q 3 by having separate "used" and "enabled" parameters per band to make it easier to control bands with a MIDI controller.

Pro-Q 3 introduces another cool MIDI feature: instead of associating knobs on your controller with specific bands, you can assign one set of knobs/buttons to control the active band. You can also assign buttons to the next/previous band and delete band controls, so this makes it much easier to control Pro-Q via MIDI.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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