FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q2 Solo Right-Click / Auto-Solo request

Hi there!

I've recently noticed that the band solo button can be right-clicked and somehow gets locked? I don't seem to hear it doing anything rather than soloing all the bands, maybe protecting them from being soloed?
I'm asking cause I can't find any reference to this anywhere.

Also, any chance you guys could make some kind of auto-solo feature like brainworx digital V3 has? I work with MIDI controllers and it's really annoying not being able to use this cause it's not an assignable parameter.

Thanks a lot!


Hi Nano,

Right-clicking the button actually works the same as left-clicking, but there is a bug here that keeps the button in the 'active' position. We'll fix that. We'll think about an auto-solo option or something similar that works with MIDI!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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