FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 2 Multiple Band Automation

Does Pro-Q 2 have the ability to group bands so that they can all be automated with one controller? Or one automation lane? Or one instance of automation? I think that would be a great feature to add if its not already there. Am I just missing it?


Hi Will,

You can't do this at the moment but we're looking into ways to make MIDI learn more flexible in the future.

With automation this would be difficult: you would need an extra set of parameters that applies to e.g. selected or grouped bands. That means however that the setting for a band is not longer determined by a single parameter, so things could become confusing very quickly.

Note that you can just select multiple bands and move them to automate them all. This will of course record multiple automation actions in your host but that shouldn't be a problem.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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