FabFilter User Forum

ProQ Feature request - pink noise reference curve

It would be great to be able to display reference curves (for example a pink noise curve) in the ProQ2 display, at the moment the only solution is a convoluted workaround involving side chains and re-routing and a pink noise generator (and so on) or co-opt the match EQ to push our EQ curve towards a pink noise reference, but even here the curve display disappears when we leave the match EQ mode to make manual adjustments to our curve.

It would be great if we could simply select a reference curve and have it displayed, similar to how iZotope Ozone can display reference curves.


Thanks for the request, looks like a good idea! What other types of reference curves can you imagine to be useful?


Frederik (FabFilter)

**What other types of reference curves can you imagine to be useful?**

The two obvious (and most used) reference curves would be Pink Noise and a 6dB guide, but what would really be ideal would be the ability to simply display any reference you like, the functionality is already there in EQ match, it's just that once you leave the confines of EQ match the reference disappears.

Put simply . . . it would be great to select your reference (Pink Noise / 6dB / anything you've captured in EQ match) and be able to display it when you want during your normal equalising activities.

Pushing the idea a little further, a user could perhaps enter the dB drop-off / per octave themselves ? 6dB or 3dB (for Pink), or maybe you'd like to use a 4.5dB/Oct compromise between the two . . . etc. But to be honest the useful range is fairly narrow (in music / mastering at least), so 3dB and 6dB would cover 99% of situations . . . . with Ozone you can display both 3dB and 6dB at once, so even if you wanted a 4.5dB/Oct drop-off you could simply use the gap between these as a pretty good reference.

Once you've done that you can build us a searchable spectrum library of every major hit from the last 6 decades : )

*I wonder what publishing / IP lawyers would have to say about distributing the spectrums of famous songs !?

And finally once this is completed, the next stage would be a project wherein the current charts (done on a per genre basis) is spectrum captured (once a week) and intelligently averaged to produce an ever evolving reference of current musical tastes . . . so we could, for example, use a pulldown to select 'FutureBass' and be presented with an intelligently averaged reference curve of what is happing in FutureBass right now.

After that allow yourself a week off : )


Agree with references. Please let us know upon quick update if possible.


Interesting topic. I also want to adjust the track to the pink noise envelope. Dear developers, haven't you done this yet?


Hi Stas,

Pro-Q 3 has the option to show other signals in the spectrum analyser as well. In the analyser menu, you can select to see other tracks with Pro-Q 3 inserted, or the side-chain input. You can just create a track with a noise generator and use that track as your side-chain input. Now you should be able to see the pink noise in Pro-Q 3 as well. If you already use your side-chain input you can just insert an instance of Pro-Q 3 on the track with the pink noise, and select that track to be visible from the analyser menu.


Ralph Verdult

Thanks to. It works, but it takes extra steps. It would be nice if it could be made easier. For example, load a white noise wav-file into a plugin without having to create a separate track and apply a send.

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