FabFilter User Forum

Suggestion For Saturn PI

In case you're unaware, I'm a huge fan of FF and your business model. Huge fan (metaphorically speaking).

This may seem a minor thing to some people, but in the wacky world I inhabit, it would be most useful ...

Saturn has no input/output master meters. I find that both odd and oddly irritating. They really should be there. If Volcano 2 also exists sans i/o meters (I didn't check first) I would add them to the list of desires as well.

Here's the thing as I see it: based on your current pricing model, it appears that both Saturn and Volcano are not your highest selling plugins. As such, I can understand why you have not included metering.

However, I can assure you that, even though both plugins present highly innovative and creative ways to manipulate sound, eventually they will gain traction. I even foresee a time when the x/y system becomes a standard manipulation device. Ergo, now is the time to enhance these products when support is at its minimum (decreases the number of moving targets - no pun).

When altering tracks with Saturn, I have to utilize a clumsy method to monitor i/o metering. Doesn't make a lot of sense, really.

Particularly considering the fact that you already offer side i/o metering (very good ones, by the way) on other products. You have them already. It would simply be a matter of glomming those bad boys on other products, yes?

Meanwhile, I am in your camp and sincerely believe in what you're doing and how you're going about doing it. Nothing but good thoughts from this user.


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